About Alex

IFS practitioner, coach & facilitator

I am a Level 1 Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practitioner with 20 years of experience in meditation, embodiment, and relational practices. 

I specialize in guiding clients through spiritual emergencies and significant life transitions. 

My approach is pragmatic and curious, focusing on how internal work enhances external effectiveness and improves relationships with our inner parts and other people in our lives.

A key aspect of my practice involves empowering protectors to upskill and leverage personal experiences and resources for greater effectiveness.

How I can help

I am particularly interested in supporting people in:

  • combining analytical thought with emotions and embodiment

  • life and career design: “how do I move to doing what makes me feel alive?”

  • relationships

  • integrating deep transformational experiences, may they come from meditation, retreats, life events, or psychedelics

  • offering support for participatory events

  • coaching protectors (this deserves a whole essay, but, in brief: at times, we just want to be more functional at what we’re doing)


Alex offers a very nurturing and multi-faceted way of supporting psychedelic integration. With 20 years of self-experimentation, working as an Internal Family Systems-informed coach, and mediation guide, Alex was an indispensable support for me as I integrated my DMT experience. When we connected I was experiencing night terrors and uncontrollable flashes of the psychedelic experience. A part of me was very scared. With his guidance, I was able to adopt a steady and helpful meditation practice, and became able to face my experiences with much more calm, courage, and even curiosity. He helped me to understand and contextualise my experience through the lenses of Buddhist cycles of insight, including the dark night of the soul, which was definitely a part of my experience. - Anne

Alessandro is a passionate, life-affirmative dharma enthusiast who combines being a caring and sensitive individual with a healthy no-bullshit attitude. 

His Mahamudra background gives his approach to the dharma a unique flavor and he knows how to show you the practical values for your life. He is a sharp-minded guy and not afraid of scrutinizing your assertions and assumptions - a must-have skill for a good teacher. 

So if you are looking for a heartfelt, inspiring and open-minded guide through the dharma (or your life, or both) who is deeply spiritual and down to earth at same time, I warmly recommend Alessandro! - Sascha

My multi-modal approach & IFS

When I discovered IFS, it felt like the missing piece: finally, I could apply to myself what I had learned facilitating groups of people, and I could apply the spaciousness I could access from meditation to better meet parts of myself, and of others. 

Conversely, IFS made dealing with others, and facilitating, much easier, seeing everyone and their parts, trying their best.

What I love using IFS is that I do not have to know a solution, I can bring curiosity, compassion, and the trust that everyone and every part means well and needs to be heard.

I am passionate about combining modalities to support or help people where they are. In addition to IFS, I will use Focusing, ACT, Buddhist dharma and meditation techniques, engineering approach, NVC, communication pattern, and just curiosity and intuition.

Please note that I am NOT a licensed medical or mental health professional. Sessions with me are NOT medical, psychiatric, or psychotherapeutic treatment as defined by UK law. It is your responsibility to identify if you need such treatment, and to seek it.