Explore a path to more fulfillment.


“I do not know exactly what my path is, but I can feel when I am not on it.”

Feeling stuck? Unsure of your purpose? Align Your Life is an explorative process designed to help you discover what true alignment feels like and guide you toward a more fulfilling, harmonious existence.

What is Align Your Life?

Life doesn't come with clear labels or directions: following our “true purpose”, respecting our values, satisfying our needs is hard when we do not know what they are, making it easier to feel lost or stuck.
Align Your Life integrates practices from Internal Family Systems (IFS), Design Thinking, Buddhist Meditation, Mindfulness, and somatic practices to help you explore and understand your inner motivations and desires.

How does it work?

  • Begin by assessing where you are in key areas of your life—health, relationships, career, enjoyment, and spirituality.

  • Visualize possible steps and actions that could enhance your life, and decide on practical, small-scale actions to test.

  • Implement your chosen steps, observe the outcomes, and reflect on what worked and what didn’t, using these insights to continually refine your approach.

We iterate both on the whole journey, and during single sessions. The process is similar to the OODA loop, a decision-making framework developed for extreme situations, and well adapted to describe how we can decide what to do next.

The OODA Loop: 

  1. Observe: Map your current situation.

  2. Orient: Evaluate and imagine improvements.

  3. Decide: Choose actionable steps.

  4. Act: Implement and reflect.

(and then repeat!)

We offer a structured yet flexible process, integrating Internal Family Systems (IFS), Design Thinking, Buddhist meditation, mindfulness, and somatic practices to help you find your path. Whether you're feeling blocked, unsure, or ready for a change, we guide you step-by-step, ensuring every action aligns with your true self.

Results coming your way.

Align Your Life is working from the outside in: we start looking at the situation and what concrete steps could make it better. Our goal is making the process “impossible” to fail, even when things do not work out: when we try some steps to improve our life, the possible outcomes are:

Success: If we do the thing, and things improve as expected, that’s great.

Learning: If we do the thing and things turn out differently, it might be annoying or painful, but now we know it doesn’t work. By following our guideline of taking small steps, we can easily adjust or take a different path.

Discovery: If we find we can’t manage to do the thing, it reveals something important. It might be more complex than we thought, dependent on others, or uncover an inner challenge (a “trailhead” in IFS lingo) we can work on.

This approach ensures that every step, whether successful or challenging, brings valuable insights and progress towards alignment.

(in case you are still curious, we wrote a 2-part series about it: first and second article)