About Pau

Certified Level 3 IFS Practitioner

I am a Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practitioner (Level 3) who loves to support & empower individuals in their healing and beyond. I offer a safe and confidential space where you can explore & understand your-self better, and gain new insight & tools to live a happier, more empowered life. Over time, I can help you show up in new & healthy ways in your relationship with yourself, those in your life, and the world.

I love working with IFS not just because of the healing it gives my clients, but also because it gives them an empowering mindset & skills to lives better lives outside sessions. Healing and self-awareness are great, and, matter a lot less if you don’t translate them into a better life. I’m here to up-skill you, for life, not just sessions.


I can count at least 10 therapists that I have seen in the course of my life. However IFS is nothing like what I have experienced before. What I like about IFS is that it brings attention to my internal parts and invites them to speak. As my parts have felt safe, they express what is in their “ hearts”. Parts that I did not know existed, come out of hiding and reveal themselves. I am discovering things about myself as I dialogue with parts within me in a compassionate way. Every IFS session is an adventure because I really don’t know where I  will be travelling to and who ( which parts)  I will meet along the way.  Images, pictures, memories and all manner of feelings and sensations arise in this process, like a rich tapestry. I usually notice internal shifts in the days following my sessions.

Every journey requires a guide and Pau is a great guide to walk alongside one who undertakes this journey. I find her to be a safe person , in that I can tell her what my parts are experiencing including their feelings about her. She is non defensive and non reactive, which creates trust and safety, an essential component for a journey like this. I highly recommend Pau as an IFS practitioner and also the IFS model for healing from trauma, childhood abuses, fears and terrors. But most of all I recommend it as a way of developing a loving , compassionate and respectful relationship with oneself. - Joseph

Pau is the ultimate chaperone leading the way to the parts of me never reached before. She notices the parts that stand in the way of other parts. She shines a light on them all and brings them to life, revealing their truths and validating their intentions. I have discovered so easily with her guidance, why I do what I do and what stops me being and doing what I want to do, but don’t. She seeks out parts that contain so many hidden emotions and exposes the reasons for their existence. She helps me explore the intricacies of my psyche without every imposing on any part of me. With Pau, I work in the dark to see the light. Pau is gifted and skilled; gentle and powerful. I am both astonished and grateful for her dedication to this mind blowing work. – Francine

When I had the amazing fortune to find Pau I was 5 years into my healing journey, and although I had learnt coping methods, that is all I was doing; merely and barely coping. My days were spent fighting with my parts, that I saw as fragmented and defeated; only creating misery. I was broken and did not believe I was fixable or worthy of fixing.

Pau is a Parts whisperer. She is able to gain trust from parts though her consistency, compassion, natural talent and nonjudgmental nature. More importantly, in the long run, she has been able to guide me to do the same. Together, we have unburdened: pain, shame, fear, anger, loneliness, depression and much, much more from my system. The absence of this fills my system with joy. My days are no longer plagued by the traumas of my past, and at nights I finally sleep soundly.

Within my internal family, there is a love and appreciation of one another, and a blossoming trust that I can become a trustworthy guide and healer to my own parts. We are no longer a dysfunctional family; there is harmony. My parts and myself will be forever grateful to Pau for healing us. No matter where life takes me, she will always be regarded as the mentor that saved my life. – Anna

IFS+ Credentials

I am deeply committed to best practice. I am in 1-1 and group supervision, as well as numerous IFS peer groups, not to mention my own personal therapy. I also support official IFS trainings, where I regularly assist. Below are my completed IFS trainings:

  • IFS Level 3 (w/ Richard Schwartz)

  • IFS Level 2 “Deepening & Expanding” (w/ Osnat Arbel)

  • IFS Level 1 (100hrs+ of applied IFS training) (w/ Osnat Arbel)

  • Transcending Trauma (w/ Frank Anderson)

  • IFS & psychedelic therapy (w/ Robert Falconer)

  • Self-led sexuality (w/ Patricia Rich)

  • IFS Online Circles

My core interests & areas of research within IFS and beyond are:

  • relationships & ethical non-monogamy

  • sexuality (I interview people about this here)

  • psychedelic experience integration

Relevant non-IFS trainings include:

  • Co-Active Coaching Training (104hrs of applied training)

  • Non-violent Communication Teacher Training (1 year of applied training)

Please note that I am NOT a licensed medical or mental health professional. Sessions with me are NOT medical, psychiatric, or psychotherapeutic treatment as defined by UK law. It is your responsibility to identify if you need such treatment, and to seek it.