Join us at the Parts Work Unconference on Jan 21st!

Our next free online Parts Work Unconference is coming up on Jan 21st. We very much hope to see you there, whether as a curious listener, or, as a courageous contributor! Regardless of which level of participation you feel called to, you will need to get yourself a free ticket via the Eventbrite event page


Jan 21st at 5:00 PM - 10:30 PM CET // 11:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT


Not a training or a conference, the Parts Work Unconference is a participatory event; a way of coming together to exchange, explore and connect about IFS & other parts work based therapeutic modalities. 


This event is based on the open space technology: we will create the program together; anyone can propose a session or a topic, even if they are not experts in it.

It is a great opportunity  to experiment with bringing workshops, topics, ideas and just open questions, e.g. “how do other IFS informed people combine IFS with (fill in the blank)?”. Our last unconference had many people step in and offer sessions and topics without thinking they’d have the courage to and we hope that with our support you may also come forward. In case you want to propose a session (either 40 or 85min) and want us to spread the word about it and you before the event, let us know in advance by using this form


We have an FAQ, and you can find out more about the event on the event page or, just email us at

What this is NOT

This is not an official IFSI training, or a setting for receiving therapeutic work.

We very much hope to see you there!


The Parts Work Unconference is happening this Saturday!


IFS and participatory events.