The Parts Work Unconference is happening this Saturday!

The Parts Work Unconference is approaching and happening this very Saturday, January the 21st.

We are very excited, and we hope you are too.

We are also sold out.

Thank you for the enthusiasm!

In case you want to come and do not have a ticket, do not despair: due to popular demand (*), we will be releasing 50 more tickets this Wednesday, January the 18th, 18:00 CET - 12:00 EST.

Additionally, in case you got a ticket and already know you cannot come: please cancel it and let other people have it. Someone will be grateful.

Finally: in case you do not manage to get a ticket, and really want to come, write us: we will find a way.

Some more details about the event:

If you (or your parts) are wondering "what is this unconference thing you are talking about?", you can find a bit more about this event here, our FAQ here, and some musing about IFS and participatory events here.

Most of the sessions will be proposed during the event, given its participatory nature, but we already have some pre-proposed sessions. Some of them are:

Boundaries, Needs and Human Connection, by Victoria

IFS parts cards, by Laura

Coaching Protectors, by Alex

IFS and psychedelics working together, by Scott

If YOU have a session you'd like to bring, and want us to spread the work, let us know at via this form.

Sessions can be 40 or 80 minutes long, and cover any parts work related topic.

(You do not have to pre-propose sessions, most people will come up with ideas during the unconference. And you can just participate without hosting a session, of course)

With warmth and excitement,

Alex and Pau (the IFS Collective)

Update: thanks to everyone cancelling tickets, we are now only almost sold out.
Thank you!

(*) our parts always wanted to be able to use this expression


We held an Unconference!


Join us at the Parts Work Unconference on Jan 21st!